Deep inside us, we have a clear understanding of what our wishes and
needs truly are. Hidden there are the feelings we need to be aware of,
as is a light that continues to burn regardless of everything going on
around us:
our soul, undamaged and beautiful.
If we focus on this inner world with love, we sense again who we are, what truly makes us who we are, and what we actually need.
Resting means rediscovering yourself and gathering energy for the new days ahead.
time during your holidays to do just that. Press the pause button and
do absolutely nothing for once. Be lazy, or simply daydream the hours
away. You will see how much good it does you!
Take full advantage of the glorious location and healing climate here in
Mitterberg. Reflect. Take a deep cleansing breath. In fact, a deep
breath is the easiest method for taking the pressure out of any moment.
Two to three breaths reboot our entire system, and we are once again
able to perceive ourselves as we really are. Simply breathe in and out,
in and out.
Get in touch with your body once more. Not only using it,
but listening to it, understanding what it needs in order to stay fit
and healthy. That only happens if you allow yourself time to get back in
touch with your body.
Think about what does you good. Allow yourself to unfold, open up, give free rein to your thoughts .. Whether you opt for sporting opportunities available in the region, or spend time being creative, ... many of these directions can bring you a sense of pure happiness.
Eat and drink in absolute peace and with total enjoyment. And rest
assured that we use only regional, high-quality products in the
preparation of your meals.